After years of living a monotonous life, full of ridiculous pressures and demands, a casual but magical encounter will allow Pilar to go "Super Crazy" and say and do everything that goes through her mind. Coworkers, friends, husbands and family; all shall suffer the wrath of this sudden transformation. Of course, losing your filter can also bring about some consequences...
English Title
Super crazy
Martino Zaidelis
Produced by
Aeroplano & Telefe.
Natalia Oreiro (I'm Gilda, Clandestine Childhood), Diego Torres, Fernán Mirás, Gimena Accardi, Valeria Lois (The Sharks, The Long Night of Francisco Sanctis).
Based on
Nicolas Lopez film.
Dallas IFF 2019 | Spanish Film Festival in Australia | World Cinema Amsterdam | FECHA, Greece | Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival - "Best Comedy Award" | Bucharest Best Comedy Film Festival | Festival de Cine Iberoamericano de Huelva | Among others.